Project at Grafikstiftung Neo Rauch:
„Graphic Days“ – workshops for young students in Saxony-Anhalt
The educational program exists since 2015. With this project we aim to encourage talented pupils from Saxony-Anhalt in the field of the fine arts. We regard great value to the quality of the courses. Language of the courses/workshops is German.
General criteria for participation:
Information about the project are published at the education server of Saxony-Anhalt (Landesbildungsserver des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt) and on our website. The schools of Saxony-Anhalt are contacted directly by mail as well. We are looking forward to applications by interested students between 13 and 18 years old. The number of participants is limited for each course/workshop. At the end, each participant receives a certificate. The participation at the courses/workshops as well as the material and catering are for free.
Contact information:
Grafikstiftung Neo Rauch
Contact person: Ann-Sophie Parker
Wilhelmstraße 21 – 23
06449 Aschersleben
Phone +49 (0) 3473 / 9149344